Voiture avec chauffeur aéroport Avignon Gare TGV
Car Hire With Driver Service in Avignon
Label Qualité Service+
Our car with driver in Avignon
At the service of individuals or companies.
We are proud to provide personalized service to our passengers,
from pick-up to arrival at destination,
Because all of our customers are very important.
This is the reason why we had to bring "Excellence" to private transport.
Our bilingual VTC drivers based in the cities of:
Paris, Geneva, Saint-Tropez, Megève, Courchevel, Val d'Isère, Lyon, Grenoble, Marseille, Avignon, Cannes, Montpellier or Nîmes.
Our private driver will drive you safely and discreetly in the vehicle of your choice.
All our vehicles are equipped with massage and refreshing seats, WiFi internet, TV, VIDEO, AUDITORIUM.
A "Business Class" service on board is offered to you for absolute comfort,
And for the destination of your choice anywhere in France or Europe.
Membre du SNCTP "Syndicat National des Chauffeurs de Transport de Personnalités"
et adhérente de la NLA " National Limousine Association" aux Etats Unis.
Voiture avec chauffeur Avignon aéroport Avignon Gare TGV

SAS au capital de 50 000 € - SIRET : 799 771 456 00024 - Code NAF : 4932Z - N° TVA Intracommunautaire : FR 777 9977 1456 - RCS Avignon B 799 771 456
Carte Professionnelle N°: 13/84/23 - N° d'Immatriculation Registre VTC: EVTC 084161246 - Assurance MMA illimité N° 129831621 A